We were in for a treat at the rookery this morning because when we arrived the alligators were starting to bellow. We had never seen this in person before (only through the eyes of the great Jeff Corwin) and it was amazing. Not only could you hear the low frequency bellow but you could see all the dancing droplets of water around the gator and you could literally feel the call as well.
We captured some decent video of the behavior that can be seen here.
The rest of the rookery experience was quite similar to yesterday but I tried to concentrate more on the chicks today.
Juvenile Egrets learning how to carry and place sticks:
Great Egret Chicks:
Of course, all the adult birds posed nicely as well.
Tri-colored Heron:
Roseate Spoonbill:
Would you build a nest here?
While the highlight of the Alligator Farm is clearly the rookery, they do have a decent zoo complete with all types of crocodilia and even some rainforest mammals like tamarin and marmosets. But, we aren't great fans of zoos since we would rather see these animals in the wild when possible. The zoo appeared to have good sized enclosures and they appeared to take good care of the animals.
We left the rookery a bit early today since we had a 10AM boat trip booked. The trip takes you around the St Augustine harbor and estuary and turned out to be quite nice.
Osprey with lunch:
Atlantic Bottle-nose Dolphin:
Ponce de Leon Replica Ship:
We also spotted Least Tern, jumping Mullet and a Green Sea Turtle on the boat trip.
After a great lunch at the A1A Ale House, we hit the highway for a drive across the state to Crystal River. The drive is pretty scenic and we did have a great excuse to get out and stretch our legs at one point.
Sandhill Cranes:
The next two nights were spent in the care of the nice folks at Citrus Hills. We wanted to check out Citrus Hills as a possible place to live someday so we signed up for the 3 day tour. So, the next report will be a multi-day one since we didn't get out to see the local nature as much as we typically would.
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